Last Saturday, we responded to this invitation by joining in the celebration.
Upon receiving the invitation, my first thought was, "What a wonderful way to celebrate! Combining the anniversary celebrations! Excellent idea! Cut down costs, only requiring a trip made once by loved ones, etc. That's a great idea! Wonder if it would work for Donnie & Steph's anniversary celebration to combine with ours?" (I've since decided it would not be so ideal; we don't live in the same town nor go to the same church like my cousins Aubrey and Dean. Otherwise....)
Aubrey and Dean were quite a bit older than Donnie and me. Their dad, Arvin (my dad's oldest brother), was 12 years older that my dad, who was the youngest in that family. I was 6 years old when Aubrey and Janice married. If memory serves me correctly, Bernita and Dean were married by the Justice of the other words, they snuck off to get married. On January 1? Cool! But Bernita mentioned that she had a milestone birthday coming up. (It can't be 60, because I'll be 57 in a it must be 70? How can that be??!! ...and she's probably the youngest of the honorees... Wow!)
Anyway, all that bird-walking to say my real message: I come from a really awesome family. I've had a rich heritage and many awesome examples of what it means to be a part of a committed and God-centered marriage. I remember writing a card to Nanny (my mom's mom) the Christmas before Bob and I married in which I was thanking her for the example she and Pampa had left for us. (They actually celebrated their 70th anniversary before death separated them!)
Granny and Grandad (my dad's parents) celebrated their 50th in December 1961 (if the information I gleaned from Saturday's celebration is correct.) That means that the "new" dishes in my cabinet which my grandmother received on that anniversary are now over 50 years old! Whoa! My grandad died 4 years later which prevented them from celebrating anymore milestone anniversaries.
My mom and dad celebrated their 59th anniversary on July 6, 2008 before my dad's death in August of that year.
On Bob's side of the family...his parents were prevented from celebrating their Golden 50th by his dad's death in 1973. (I think that's the date.) I also believe that his Oma and Opa (his mom's parents) were kept away from that event by the death of Oma. (Don't you just love that their names were German for Grandma and Grandpa?) ...and there's a picture... of Grandmother and Grandfather Spies celebrating their 40th or 50th with the cake on "the" table. (If/when I come across that photo, I'll insert it. The table now resides in Ira and Kelley's home.) But I do know that death separated that dear couple also.
All that to say I'm very thankful for this example which has pervaded my whole way of thinking in the midst of a world where things other than death are often the cause of the termination of marriages. Hopefully, by the grace of God, Bob and I will continue this rather sacred heritage. This would be an awesome way to be an inspiration to our children and grandchildren... July 23 will mark 35 years! The best 35 years of my life! I'm very blessed....