Friday, July 23, 2010


Yesterday, I saw this:

and this:

and I remembered my long-neglected resolution to spend 30 minutes a day going through stuff--organizing and getting rid of it. So I set my timer and began my 30 minutes.

I started out on the stack in the first picture. It contained greeting cards from a couple of years back. Some of the greeting cards were from parents who are now dead. Needless to say, instead of being motivated to tackle the stack, I just was overcome with sadness and the enormity of the task before me.

This winter, about the same time I decided to manage the mess surrounding me in 30-minute increments, I came up with the idea that preserving family stories and heirloom pictures (or pictures of heirlooms) via a blog post would be a way to keep those stories alive, yet not be burdonsome in the form of just more "stuff". (I've been reminded very acutely that many, many stories get lost when a person dies. No longer can I have a question answered by just asking mom or dad....)

So yesterday, I started my debut blog post and entitled it "Overwhelming". But I just became sadder and more downcast as I wrote. So I trashed it.

Today, after a good night's sleep, I've looked at my "glass" again. I think I'm inspired! How many more good forgotten stories are there to uncover in those piles? A few, I bet. I'm going to try to look at the task before me as a treasure hunt...and yes, I'm trying to act my way into a better way of feeling, but hey, it works!!

By the way, it is the 33rd anniversary of my marriage to Robert Wayne Spies. I love that guy!


  1. Woo hoo, Mom! And you typed all of that with an acutely cut up hand! I'm SO excited to go on this treasure hunt with you. What a precious gift you're giving us!

  2. Yay! I've been looking forward to this blog! And I was just wondering the other day of you were still doing your 30 minutes a day thing...good for you!
