It is my first day of full-time teaching after taking off for a year and a half to care for my mom and recoup after her death and the death of my mother-in-law.
About half way through the day, the secretary brought me this:
Gotta share the story with you:
About 8 years ago, I had to move from my comfortable little job of Content Mastery teacher into a not-so-comfortable job as 3rd grade classroom teacher. (Actually, I guess the phraseology should be that I got to make the move; but believe me, I just wasn't feeling it!)
Even though I was very stressed about this change, I did not feel that I had any right to complain about it. My prayer had always been that I could stay out of the classroom (and away from the extra demand of time and expense that it requires) as long as I had children at home. I was reassigned the summer after Jodi graduated from high school. Kind of hard to respond (outloud anyway) with anything but, "Thank you, God!"
After watching me agonize day after day, night after night, and weekend after weekend over my job and all the responsibility of getting those 3rd graders to pass the TAKS test, my sweet husband came up with the perfect Christmas gift. He arranged for the local florist to deliver flowers to me at school every two weeks for the remainder of the school year. Oh, how that brightened up my day and life! (and probably his, too!)
I suppose I showed my appreciation adequately, because he then gave me a Mother's Day gift of flowers for the Fall. He has continued to arrange for my "fix" of fresh flowers to be delivered to me at school each subsequent year, interrupted only by my time at home.
Yes, I enjoy the flowers. They remind me of a beautiful life outside of school. And I love it when people ask me about the flowers. I get a chance to brag on my sweet, thoughtful husband.
Love you, Bobby!
I've got one sweet Daddy - and a sweet and deserving mama, too!